Thread: Tow rigs.
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Old 05-14-2014, 12:02 PM   #13
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My tow rig was also my daily driver for years, but now that it is not I try to drive it to work at least every other week. I always hook up my trailer a day or two before a trip and make sure the brakes and lights are working, check the air pressure in the tires (including the spares!), and usually at least drive it around a little. Can't believe the number of people that never check the air pressure in their trailer tires unless it is visibly flat, and even then it just gets air put back in until it "looks like enough".

The off-road rig always gets "nut and bolted" before a trip meaning I crawl underneath with a set of wrenches and make sure everything is tight. Of course it gets the routine fluid checks and try to drive it around the neighborhood a little. Definitely don't want to be "that guy" who pulls into the parking lot in the morning and proceeds to swap out an alternator that went bad during last month's trip....I'm not making this up either.
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