June Club Run, 6-21 day trip to Haspin
** Polling is done, Haspin it is! **
The June ride is scheduled for the 21st, but Mud Madness was just sorta penciled in as a placeholder.
At the meeting last week, we talked about running a poll to see where everybody really wanted to go. So, here it is!
I personally would like to keep it local, since we've scheduled a lot of three-day trips for the rest of the year. We've also been invited out to Rich's to do a little trailcutting. Of course, if the majority would rather do something bigger and farther, that'll work too.
I've got DTOR, Haspin, MMadness, and Rich's off the top of my head. I think I should be able to add any suggestions to the list...
Vote early, vote often, vote for any and all the places you'd like to go. The poll is set to close next Sunday, but hopefully we'll have a decision made before then.
Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stranger
Last edited by WrenchMonkey; 06-16-2014 at 02:33 PM.