Thread: My Place
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Old 07-13-2014, 07:47 PM   #107
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 147
Well it took 4 years but I finally got someone else to bring a side by side to my cabin and check out my trails. Here is the review he posted on a forum

I went and rode today with Patrick at his place down a little past Ashland Ky. I was expecting to ride some little farm roads and never figured there would be much territory . Was I ever wrong. Patrick is a lucky man for sure to have that place to ride. I would guess he has 20 or more miles of trails on his 160 acres . And what made it fun was the diversity of the trails, we started out riding the outer rim around the property , these trails on a scale of 1 to 5 one being the easiest, these outer trails would be a 2 or 3 . For those people that like to take in a good view but don't won't to ride much of a challenge these are the trails for you. But a great deal of his trails are 4 to 5's .And that's the way I like it. One of the hills I remember was a winding 300 foot trail to the top. I was in 4wd and remember those rocktains digging most of the way to the top of about half that trail. I don't see that much. I have rode the Hatfield trails and Black mountain , knock county system , Rush and Windrock and many others , I can say I enjoyed this trail as much as any of the others I rode and more than most. If you ever get a opportunity I would suggest hooking up with him and riding his trail system, you sure won't regret it. I'm going to try to hook up with him at at least one more time this year. Thanks Patrick for the invite.

By down past Ashland he means north lol
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