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Old 07-26-2014, 09:25 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by offroadohio View Post
Can someone get some good photos and vids of the really good stuff I know they have alot of extreme hills but do they have any cool ravines or rocks or things like that?

I really wanna get down to check the place out sometime but all I see videos of are the buggies on hills.
Believe me you will like Rush... This place has good people running it, They are spending the time and money to make this THE place to wheel, They have put in a really good Rock Garden and have opened up some really good trails with lots of rocks, Core spent time on 2 different outings there making a trail named Hardcore, the trial has a little bit of everything to offer, come on down with us in August you won't regret it.
No need for a Winch...You just have to make it !!
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