RTI yard ramp
Exhaust is now welded and painted with 2000° header paint I did learn that I didnt have to lap back into the puddle because it would just cause burn through. Too bad I waited to one of the last welds to learn that.
Probably 1/8" clearance b/t hanger and p-side pipe, still need to put trans heat guard back on
Pretty good clearance here, stupid rusty rockers
For some reason it no longer rests on the trans xmember, not sure how that worked out, but I like it
Bushing is tweaked all to ****, but meh
Reinstalls fender well covers BUILD THREAD
Made a cutout of the xmember w/33° angles and welded in some 3/16" plate
Ordered 4 of these....hopefully they come in Skywalker Glowing Blue
I'm going to get some of the air soft pellets from Wally world to balance the H1's. I get up to about 35mph and then the steering wheel starts to wobble. I'm curious, though...The wheels have balancing media already on the insides, little square looking things. Should I remove those or just leave em be, and add the pellets? It drives kinda funny if the road is angled either way. It will pull to that side. Does that mean camber is off? Oh yeah, I finally measured my caster and its at 7°.