The words for this trip was fuel pumps, Kevin's fuel pump went out in his trail rig, my fuel pump started to act up in my tow rig which let to a very uneasy feeling coming home not knowing if it was gonna make it. Robert showed up Friday afternoon to wheel with us and shortly after broke his shift fork to his front axle so he only had 3 wheel drive. Robert also managed to pop a bead trying to climb a slick hill after I ask him if he needed a pull up the hill.... (inside joke lol) Had a steady drizzle most of the time at Rush which kept the dust down but made for some trail riding interesting. I would have to say that the trail named Hardcore is 1 of the best obstacles there that we did for the weekend, it has become pretty extreme and will get even better the more people that run it. Here is a few pics
No need for a Winch...You just have to make it !!