Thread: BlueOx build
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Old 11-23-2014, 08:37 AM   #63
Goats on the Roof!
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 62
Hey Gents, been a while. I got the tires all setup with PVC inserts from Andy @TWF, and got the air soft pellets from Wally World. It definitely doesnt shake as much

But then, I'm working on hydro-assist and its not working for me.

Drilled and tap'd the box

Getting brackets tack'd in place

Supposedly I had everything correct.

Faaacccckkkk. I'm trying to bleed the system and no fluid gets down to the ram. It doesnt move at all because of this. There isnt any fluid going to the 90° adapter. The only seal I had to replace was the one on the back end of the piston. It was a 'square' ring seal over top of a rubber o-ring. I did have some blockage coming in the pressure line so I blew it out with the air compressor. When I removed the pressure line the second time to check for problems, there wasnt any fluid dripping out of it, even though the resevoir had plenty. Anybody want to come help me diagnose, I'm stumped? I would provide beer.
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