Originally Posted by blazerbrad
- If you jack the front wheels off the ground they won't turn side to side at all?
- Is this with the ram installed? If the hoses are backwards the ram is fighting the steering box. If the ram is not installed (just hanging) and the wheels won't turn then look at the box.
- If you disconnect the steering box from the pitman arm or drag link, can you turn it?
1. The wheels turn fine right now that its on jackstands. There is 0 power steering while running and attempting to turn with the wheels on the ground.
2. Yeah, tried bleeding with everything connected, even started the motor and did lock-lock a bunch.
3. Steering box turns fine with everything connected and on jackstands. Its gotta be fluid flow not assisting.
I'm confused as to why theres no fluid going to the box. Its the first stop for fluid after the pump. Also, I think only the HD's got the hydro brakes.