Thread: BlueOx build
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Old 11-24-2014, 09:32 AM   #71
Goats on the Roof!
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 62
Originally Posted by blazerbrad View Post
I just fill up the reservoir, start the engine, and turn the wheels lock to lock once or twice. Refill the reservoir and do it over a couple times. Once the reservoir level stays fairly constant I will start it up and turn lock to lock many times. Oh, if hydro boost brakes you need to pump the brakes several times after you turn the motor off each time. There is an accumulator in the brake system (so you still have some power brakes if the engine dies) that you need to release the pressure in order to get it to bleed.
Dude, you are the man. This helped me so much. You helped me remember that these things arent Sally Prius', Saturn Ion's, or 4cyl Escapes. You have to give it that extra umph to get it go. Thats exactly what I did. I gave it gas while turning and did hit the brakes a couple times after I turned it off. Its so easy to turn the steering wheel now with the truck running. I can do it with one finger. The lines I ran did have to be flipped, so thanks for that. Also, I didnt mention that I drilled the pressure line fitting in the pump to 5/32".

Last edited by BillysGruff; 11-26-2014 at 09:27 AM.
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