Ok, I finally did it right. I bought some Loctite hydraulic sealant and wrapped the fittings about 10 times with tape. I was able to bleed and drive it around and it doesnt leak! I also bought the plastic line separators. I plan to make either a small tab or maybe even a small skid plate to protect the hydro lines. i also cranked on the pressure fitting at the pump because it was leaking, too.
Also just ordered a NP208/205/241 flange and seals to swap onto the 241. I went to Jacks down on Kellogg to look for one. He said I'd have to buy the whole tcase for $100. I said I dont need all that, he says $50 for the flange. The one from Ebay was $45 w/free shipping. Ill take that over getting dirty, cussing, bloody knuckles/fingers.
I'm gonna head down to Jacks today to see if he has any HD Dodges. I hear the front driveshafts are a 1350 CV and the flange mates up well with the 205/208/241 flanges. I plan to cut it to length and sleeve it/rosettes/plugs. I'll call Besslers too, they're my favorite.