Thread: BlueOx build
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Old 12-13-2014, 05:15 AM   #74
Goats on the Roof!
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 62
Ah yes, I see where you're coming from. That looks like a good setup to me. Thanks for the compliments. The only difference we have is that your DL is in front of the TR, whereas mine is behind the TR. Things might get crunchy if I bumped the pass side. This allowed me to not have to move the steering box forward. I get a decent turning radius. The other thing in the back of mind the whole time was that I didnt want the lines running up and around tubing. I wanted to keep everything ahead and out of the way of the TR and DL.

Question for you though...Did adding the panhard help much? I've got decent body roll, and hear that helps. I can see it even when I'm getting in it, and can see the reflection in the office building windows. These 52's are definitely flexy. Do you keep it connected while wheelin and dealin? I'm debating whether I want to add one or not. If you still have the CAD of brackets for it, could you tell me the specs that worked for you? My DL is about 7°, and yours looks to be about the same.

Last edited by BillysGruff; 12-13-2014 at 05:21 AM.
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