Thread: Diesel question
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Old 01-09-2015, 07:50 AM   #12
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I've used starting fluid many times over the years, but also only use it as a last resort. Also make sure the glow plugs are disabled. On mine I can get under the hood and unplug the connector from the controller. Here are some lessons I have learned with owning an older diesel for 20 years.

- Cranking speed is extremely important and obviously directly tied to battery condition. I have actually replaced older batteries in my diesel because it was struggling to start in the cold, and then used these old batteries in other gas vehicles for a couple of years with no issues.

- Check glow plug conditions. On your truck it's probably pretty easy to run through and check the plugs.

- 2 hours with the block heater is not even close to long enough to be fully effective. I would leave it plugged in all night.
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