Thread: Diesel question
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Old 01-11-2015, 10:05 AM   #20
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I went back and read the original post the truck started at -5 degrees with only being plugged in for 2 hours. Seems like the only concern was that it took some extra cranking before it fired. To be honest it really doesn't sound like anything too serious.

A good point about not being able to plug it in at work and would be a concern if the truck wouldn't start if below 30 or 40 degrees, but again at -5 I'm not sure I would be too worried about it.

Just another thought and I'm not sure how a '95 7.3 is setup, but assuming it has some sort of cold start function that increases the idle and advances the timing? The timing advance solenoid helps cold starting and is controlled by a temperature sender, which is separate from the one controlling the engine temp gauge. Years ago when my stopped working it made cold starting more difficult.
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