Thread: Diesel question
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Old 01-12-2015, 10:14 AM   #27
Just Empty Every Pocket
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Originally Posted by blazerbrad View Post
On my '90 Chevy the user's manual states to hold the throttle down 1/2 way when starting in the cold.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the truck started at -5 degrees so obviously the batteries were not completely drained. It sounds like the truck was cranked enough to start noticing a decrease in battery performance, which really doesn't take very long on an engine like this at those temps.
The truck started but by the time it did the truck was cranking noticeably slower. I know the injectors work off of oil pressure and at -5 15w40 is most likely almost solid. I will check the glow plug system but kind of going off of what a few have said 2 hrs is not enough to warm up the engine. I put the truck on a 2 hr timer because when researching how long it needed to be plugged in most people said that after 2 hrs all you are doing is wasting energy.
91 fj 80 on 37 Nitto Muds with a 10k winch. Cage and sliders coming soon.
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