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Old 01-24-2015, 04:42 PM   #1
Mechanical Animal
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Tire collections...

So I bought a new/used set of tires for the pretty jeep the other night. It got me to thinking, and counting...

That's two sets of four for the pretty jeep, two sets (street and trail) for the dirty jeep. A set of four on the Burban, the trailer, the Willys, and the TJ rolling chassis. Eight sets of four is 32. Spares for two jeeps, the Burb and trailer is four more, 36. Two on the Bantam trailer is 38, two in the shed (left over from when I bought my real trailer) makes an even forty.

Forty mounted wheels and tires. I may be due for an intervention.

Anybody beat my high score?
Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stranger
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