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Old 01-25-2015, 06:20 PM   #8
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Circleville Ohio
Posts: 61
jeep #1= 5 (1 spare)
Jeep #2= 5 (1 spare)
trailer=6 (2 spares)
horse trailer= 5 (1 spare)
Camper= 5 (1 Spare)
car 1=4
car 2=4
car 3=4 (wife 1st car)
truck= 5 (1 spare)
plus 6 mounted 265 and 235 E rated tires that I need to dismount and get rid of
4 tires on Eagle Alloy rims (from my first car) that I need to dismount and get rid of

53. Add the lawn mower is 57.

Then I counted the un-mounted ones. I found at least 10. Need to find the next free tire recycling event...........
1976 CJ 5
1984 CJ 7
1993 K3500 GMC 6.5 TD
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