Unfortunately the vast majority of people into the "off-road" thing are mall cruisers, and that also means that is where the majority of the money comes from. A lot of the people going to the expo don't want to see some home-built dented and rusted up (i.e. real world) rig. Back when I was a kid it was unusual to see any kind of modified off-road rig cruising around. Nowadays I see multiple lifted Jeeps and trucks everyday on my drive to and from work. I'm talking tires/wheels, lifts, bumpers, winches, lights, etc, etc... Usually take a closer look at them when they are in a parking lot and it is rare to see one that has any evidence of being off-road. Just about every rig I have ever seen that actually got used on a real trail had some evidence of it. Trail rash on the tires, branch pinstriping on the paint, nicks and chips in the paint, mud still stuck up under the fenders, etc... There is a guy in my other club with a beautiful black YJ who spends hours washing and buffing it out after trailrides (uses it fairly hard) and will fix body panels if they get dented, but you can still tell it is used off-road by looking a little closer.