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Old 02-12-2015, 02:20 PM   #2
fordman00's Avatar
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Posts: 433
That's a great story. I did this same thing a few months ago. It was the weekend right after thanksgiving. I had to work all week including on thanksgiving. We met with family ate and reminisced. I was at work on Sunday and my boss comes running out of the office telling me I need to leave immediately my wife's grandmother had passed. I froze in disbelief. So I ran out of work called my wife and she was in hysterics. Her beloved grandmother passed in her sleep. There was no illness or anything known to the family but it was a shock to all. I called everyone in my family told them how munched I loved them and hugged my wife and son a little tighter from that day on. Never take anything for granted in this life. It could all be gone in a blink of an eye.

My thoughts and prayers go to the hitsman family. I to was in boy scouts and am an eagle scout. I learned many good values and morals from the scouts.
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