Fiero was no longer a fiero and given a homebuilt status using original vin.
Chevette was given a reconstructed (not salvage rebuilt) title. Vin for the car and the chevy luv (front 4 ft of frame) were both on the title.
As said I've asked about retitling side by sides and was told by the guy who does my inspections it's possible. But that was 4 years ago and I don't recall the exact requirements.
If those oreion where more proven that would be the route to go imo. But 13k is alot for a China men ride.
I built the chevette at 16 so it was nowhere near today's standards of builds but 12 years ago for not knowing a thing except how to kind of weld it isn't bad.
I rolled it a year ago last August with no cage and it is now stripped and sold off. Body went to scrap.
Had 3.8 buick v6 th400 d18, scout 44s 5:13s and lockers
When first built it was stock Chevy luv drive train with modded frame. Then went to jeep d30 and 44, then the 3.8 with a samurai (or sl70, it had a ebrake on the back????) Tcase.
Should have kept the suzuki case and 2wd trans, but ran across the th400 from a commando with dauntless v6 and thought it was an upgrade. I was 18 then and didn't know anybetter. Knowing what I know now I could have made it like that pinto bouncer, but with more Chevette left
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