Originally Posted by Runoveru2
Linking is the plan in the near future, I'm currently shopping around to see what is gonna be the best route, I'm just trying to make it to Harlan in a few weeks, after that springs won't matter I will purchase a kit sometime in next couple of months. Don't have the time or $$ to do before Harlan. I wish I had the $$ to pay ya to do it but I will barley have the $$ just to purchase what I need....it didn't help my Radiator taking a dump in my tow rig, that's looking to cost me around $400.00
Get ahold of me and stop out... I'm not a fan of "kits"... U need to see this runner and I can probably build you link for not much more than a "kit" and u will have a better setup... Trust me I've built a bunch of em