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Old 09-25-2015, 06:29 PM   #1
Mechanical Animal
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CORE Tour 2015, Oct 24-25

CT15 is coming up quick! We scheduled a little earlier this year: Four weeks from now, October 24th and 25th.

Haspin Acres had been a tradition for years, but this time we've decided to mix it up a bit.

We're going to start at Dirty Turtle Off Road (Bedford KY) on Saturday morning, wheel all day, and camp there Saturday night.
They have cabins available with heat and electric, bathhouses, and a nice general store.

Then Sunday morning we'll pack up and head east, to Mud Madness. This is the old Hills N Hollars in Lockport KY.
This should be less than an hour's drive, and a lot easier than last year's Haspin-DTOR trip.

Any and all are welcome, front and rear tow points are strongly suggested.
Post up and I'll put a roster together. Look forward to seeing everybody out there!
Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stranger
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