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Old 11-10-2015, 10:58 AM   #136
93 Krawler
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Started having steering issues in Harlan last month. The power steering pump shaft broke. Had a spare, but it didn't work very long, so I figured it was a bad rebuild. Decided to do the west Texas mod to the flow control valve to increase bypass pressure. I also drilled out the pressure fitting from 5/32 to 11/64. 1/64 bigger... They say not to drill it bigger than 5/32, but did it anyway. Got it all back together, bled, and fired it up. Went lock to the driver side, smooth easy turn, went lock passenger and it made a noise and the steering got hard. I could rev it up and it would get easier, much like the spare pump I put on in Harlan. I figured that mod did it in, so I put another pump on it and removed the modded valve and tried it again. Lock driver was good, lock passenger made the pump die, bad, started pouring fluid out the can seal. It cracked the housing and blew out the cap on the back. I have a hard time believing that 1/64 bigger hole leaving the pump would do this. May be wrong, dunno. I'm leaning on the orbital being messed up. So I got another orbital, and new 5/32 pressure fitting, and I'm trying it again tonight. Anyone had this issue before? Anyone know of a place that would be able to check the orbital out?

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Click image for larger version

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ID:	8555

Last edited by 93 Krawler; 11-10-2015 at 11:04 AM.
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