Originally Posted by Ky Mudhunter
Have you pulled the cap off the back of the cracked pump to look inside? I am thinking one of the vanes may have broke and gotten wedged in between the cam and rotor maybe???
Was that a rebuilt pump? I have seen a lot of bad pumps coming from the rebuilders lately for some reason.
I haven't pulled the cap off yet. I would imagine the internals are a mess. There is about 1/2" of play in the pump shaft now.
Yes, was rebuilt.
I ordered a new fitting from Jegs on Sunday to replace the one I drilled out an extra 1/64. They shipped it out USPS on Monday. Figured I'd get in Tuesday like I normally would, not... Only the USPS can take over 2 days to make a 4 hr drive. Then they're closed today, so I won't get it till Thursday.

I'm about ready to put the drilled one back on so I can be ready to leave for Rush Friday.