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Old 12-22-2015, 03:35 PM   #8
Mechanical Animal
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It's just that there are only so many weekends. We try to plan trips that have drawn a crowd in the past.

That said, March is open if you'd like to add a long-haul, big-dog run. Or late Sept, maybe. Someplace new would be great for the more adventurous.

Other notes: MV4W on July 30, and Rush on Aug 5-7, are two consecutive weekends. Do we maybe want to move Rush back a week or two, even if it means canceling Mud Madness on the 20th? We can schedule another local run in Sept.

Edit: Also adjusting the October dates. The 9-11th was a Sun-Tues. Trying to verify Fall Crawl, and avoid it by a week or two.
Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stranger

Last edited by WrenchMonkey; 12-22-2015 at 03:50 PM.
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