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Old 12-22-2015, 06:02 PM   #9
Mechanical Animal
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Yeah, there are definitely two groups, anyway. The mild, streetable guys that like to daytrip; and the big, trail only rigs that prefer to go where the bigger action is.

We try to accommodate both. We'll often do two runs a month in the summer, one near, one far.

But we do all get together from time to time. Rush is nice middle ground that draws both. And the big dogs will often stay local for the Hangover and CORE Tour, just for the simple fun of it.

And those are always our best turnouts. Most years see 15-20 rigs. Would it be nice if we could gather that many every month, every ride? Sure it would. But you're right, it's just not realistic. Different rigs, different capabilities, different financial and time restraints. Different ideas of "fun."

But if we can all get out once a month or so, and get the whole club together a couple-few times a year, I'm good with that.
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