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Old 12-28-2015, 07:46 PM   #155
93 Krawler
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Originally Posted by Waffle View Post
I think this is correct: If your at more turns lock to lock now but it turns with less effort, then that orbital you have now is requiring less gpm from your pump and puts you under the gpm max that the pump will supply. Changing to a faster lock to lock valve can be too much for the pump and you'll begin to feel resistance in the steering. This is what happened to me. My old orbital (on your rig) steered with one finger, but it was 4 turns lock to lock. My new orbital is under 3 turns LTL but it's no longer 1 finger friendly. This is why I plan on going to a higher gpm and pressure CBR pump.
My old orbital was 1.5 each way like yours. When you get yours right, I'll copy it.
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