Havent run any of them yet, so i can only comment on what i have read and researched. My understanding has been...
Yukon Superjoints are not offered (that im aware of) in 300M, and the CTM's can be 4340 or 300m. CTM makes everything in house and will make the joint out of whatever....but will only warranty the 300m's. Longfields, Nitro Excalibur's and the Ouverson Violators are only offered in 300m.
Best value - Yukon Superjoints or Longfields.
Best quality - CTM ("Drive home" joints)
Worst quality - Nitro Excaliburs. Cheap price, but this was bobby longs old patent that he sold to nitro when he redesigned the current Longfield. Chase @ ECGS wont even sell them to you (willingly), because they've had an abundance of warrantied joints. The design prevents/starves the caps from getting the necessary grease.
I was leaning heavily towards the Ouverson Violators, but after some lengthy discussion with Randy @ Ouverson and Scott Morris about availability (extremely slow production out of Ouverson) concerns....i steered away.
I think the perception about the Longfields is incorrect because theyre sold by Trail Gear. I wouldn't hesitate at all to run the Longfields; tons of guys running their D60 joints with great success and next to zero failures.
I would recommend a call to Chase @ ECGS. He hooked up me up really well on my 35 spline 4340 shaft setup with Yukon Superjoints.
1985 4runner "Redneck Gigalo"