I bought a couple el cheapo shafts to try out. I'm putting one front and one rear on to see how long they last. I'll keep the factory ones as spares. They say they're 4340 steel, so hopefully they are stronger the OEM. The rear shaft was 1/8 thicker the OEM. We'll see...
I couldn't get the axles out of the case so I hit google to see why. Saw a video of a guy trying to get one out. It was rusted in there. I didn't know they weren't sealed inside and there's no seal to keep water out. So I got out some WD industrial and sprayed all 4 axles where they enter the case and let them soak all night. Sprayed them again next day and with a little pry and pull, they came out. I recommend spraying them often to keep them from rusting. Changing a rusty one on the trail would suck. I used anti seize on the new ones.
I had been noticing some play in the wheel bearings for a while. After I took everything off the play in the bearing was scary. I guess the caliper toned the play down some. I have 4 new ones on the way. I found a cool greaser for them too. This is something I want to add to my yearly maintenance routine.