Most if not all of this group stayed at Lil' Abners motel.....which is kind of the tradition for this trip especially because of how unpredictable the weather can be in November. Except for the buggy listed above I think all of the rigs are licensed. The Ohio 4x4 Trailriders club out of Columbus is comprised of mostly licensed rigs since a lot of trails we run require either some pavement driving between trails, or the trails themselves are technically township roads. As you can see in the videos a licensed rig doesn't mean a TJ with 33's on it. A lot of rigs could easily get a handful of "fix-it" tickets for multiple reasons but not like you need to have the rig inspected every year to renew the plates. It really opens up the options for places to go.
For the Natural Bridge/Slade area there hasn't been much change in the available trails for a long time. They closed down a few places like the Nature Trail and driving over one of the actual natural bridges but that was probably 10 years ago? We normally spend one day running around the Sandlick area with the only pavement driving being to and from the motel or a campground. The next day is around Booth's property with short sections of pavement between trails/obstacles. A lot of the pavement miles are small backroads back in the hills in which I doubt you would have issues getting pulled over. Not familiar enough with the area but you could probably get between most areas with less pavement time but we would jump on some roads to get between good trails faster.