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Old 11-08-2016, 07:47 AM   #12
2019 Custom CJ7 Buggy
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Join Date: Dec 2015
Location: Fairfield, Ohio
Posts: 448
It was a great time! We took a lot of photos just have to post them when we have time. To be honest stuff out there is starting to get more challenging. Which is great because obviously stuff that's easy isn't fun. Tony brought out his new rig (Cj7) when he bought this jeep, the front axles were seized up. So the first hill climb off the trailer Tony broke something in the front axle. We couldn't figure out what it was but we were thinking he might of snapped some spider gears. But other than that breakage, every jeep did very well and no one else broke. We did meet up with some guys from Batavia, Ohio. They had some pretty nice tubed out Suzuki's. Very nice guys, hoping to get them to join the club sometime soon!

You got it"
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