Originally Posted by wilson1010
Nate, nate, nate . . . .
Did Terry say he didn't want you to come back after graduation? If so, I didn't hear it.
He said something about it, but I followed up with him a couple weeks ago about coming back over break to work some and he is yet to get back to me. I wouldnt mind their salaries and the extras that Terry offers but I have to look in case he doesn't hire me.
Originally Posted by 89mud-rdy-xj
well i think im the yougest person by far on the board haha but im in my senior year of high school and i work construction in the afternoons after school. plan to go to college next year just not sure what for yet.
Well you shoudl start looking at what you like/tolerate. Are you good with math and the physical world? Engineering is growing like crazy. You can get your degree and basically work in any field as either a managerial position or a engineer.