Thread: March Run
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Old 01-26-2017, 09:13 AM   #5
Ah Unz ze President!
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Hollerwoods is a new organization that has the rights to the lands for Slade (Carb Hill, Damnation alley and plces like that). They are opening a park in the Spring of 2017. Fee will be $30 or weekend or $50 for year per vehicle. Luke has offered to let us camp and hang with them and waive the $25 he is charging for his event. SO basically Zach and I i will be going and paying for the pass to wheel but will still stay with ECO-OHV group for camping.

This is all dependant on Hollerwoods being up and running. More to come as the date gets closer. here is their website.

Keep them on all 4's
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