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Old 03-13-2017, 08:16 PM   #7
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 7
Originally Posted by JeffK5 View Post
Asphalt or sand/dirt/gravel?

Why chromoly?
Asphalt, quarter and eighth mile depending on which track we're at. And dirt drags which are 300ft.

I daily drive an 11sec 2wd Dodge 1500 with a Cummins in it right now that I race as well, but obviously it can't compete in the dirt drags. That's one of the reasons I am building another 4wd, because the dirt drags are generally a lot more fun to compete in.

The NHRA still accepts mild steel cages, but, as far as I understand, they are the only sanctioning body that does. By going with chromoly you're only out of pocket an additional 2-300 dollars and you ensure that regardless of what event you go to you'll be allowed to run.
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