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Old 11-09-2017, 03:08 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Waffle View Post
What I was trying to get at was..... there will likely be (or should be) some overlap regarding planned trips depending on which group you fit into and which direction the group will head.

As to badlands, it looks like the rules might have changed, idk. It states that all suv's/4x4's must be registered and insured according to your state law. No sandrails or dune buggies. What does mine more closely match? Doesn't matter, the 7pm park close is a deal breaker anyway when it doesn't even get dark until 9pm in the summer.
Not to beat a dead horse.... But I believe the badlands has always had those rules written that way. I have seen other dedicated bouncer and ultra 4 buggies there many times. I'm sure you would have not issues taking your rig to the that park. If we decide to do badlands and pick a date. I think I can arrange a trip to Mission Impossible for the club.
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