Thread: LS Motor
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Old 06-25-2018, 09:51 AM   #7
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I really have nothing to add over what has been said. Great advise for sure.

However I would like to add my 2 cents. I will start with i am cheap and I try to do everything with a budget in mind. So this might not be everyone's rout.

I would suggest going super cheap on the motor 5.3 or 6.0. I will say I am a fan of the 6.0 iron bock.

5.3 - Iron block cheap and available every where and can hold a ton of HP.

6.0 - A little more Displacement, Iron block (No need for aluminium) Fairly cheap if going with the LQ4.

BOTH - Buy the motor cheap and rebuild it with new everything other than crank (if its good) You now will have a brand new motor with more HP than stock LQ9 and some others motors mentioned for around 4k or less. It may not sound cheap now but after you buy a 2k motor and have in your mind that something may go wrong at any time is worth the upfront cost. Plus it will prob be the last time you think about the motor....

Lastly: Put a filter on the motor that is better than the normal K&N.

ALSO GO AUTO!!!!!!!!

lol This is just my thoughts... Right or wrong???
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