Building the Chassis:
The JHF chassis is very well engineered and layed out. Without a chassis table I was able to assemble the entire chassis by myself in less than a full weekend while the wife was out of town.

I think I could have finished this step in ~10 hours if I had a good helper.
I would recommend having a helper for the assembly as it was very frustrating trying to align and square up the makeshift build platform and the frame rails without help. I probably spent 3-4 hours on these 2 steps alone.
Picture of the build platform and the framerails
picture of the framerails and the JIG (mostly assembled) that helps align and locate the tubes during assemlby.
Picture of the chassis with the Jig
Picture of the chassis Jig removed (Missing the rear shock hoops, vertical dash supports and subframe)
Chassis tucked away in the garage until I get a chance to work on it again.