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Old 08-23-2018, 10:42 AM   #4
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Agree with Kevin on the description. There is no way there are 100 miles of trails on the official park map. I logged 60 some miles on Saturday but over half of that was running back over the same trails multiple times (there were some sections of trails we ran over at least 3-4 times). I talked with a guy working the office Saturday morning who said he was the one who gave guided rides on the weekend but wasn't going to be around that particular day, and said he typically ran 80-90 miles and none of it was on trails that were on the map.

Running the 50' wide graded gravel haul road at 40-50 mph was kinda' fun and there was some interesting scenery. The trails rated "easy" were what I would expect with being wider and really no obstacles. The "moderate" trails were basically just narrow two-tracks through the woods with some sharp turns and some steeper hills, but mostly doable in 2wd. The few "hard" trails I did see had some challenges, and there were several more on the map we didn't see, but I wasn't overly interested in running the super hard stuff and neither was one of the other guys.

If the place was closer I would consider going back IF we found a local or the guy mentioned above to show us around, but with the distance away there are several other big riding places I could get to and would like to see.
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