2019 Calendar Discussion
We started this conversation at the meeting last week. It was suggested that, instead of trying to pick random dates every month, we focus on a Club Ride Weekend, regularly scheduled, like we do with the meeting.
The second Saturday was thrown out as an example, but looking at a calendar, I think the first weekend might work better. It would mesh with the Super Sunday Run, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Harlan Fall Crawl, and the new/returned Tour dates the first of November. Plus, the Hangover Run and Memorial Day weekends will only be a week out of rotation, vs two.
Speaking of, it was also decided to make the three holiday weekends (Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day) official Club Event Weekends. We want to draw as many Members as possible. We can't and won't dictate that anyone has to come, or can't go somewhere else. But we will ask that you do try to join us, and organize any alternate rides back-channel and off the Forum.
We'll look for as much input here as we can get, and then we're planning an Officers Meeting soon to pin down the final decision.
With that said, these are the days/dates/weekends I'm looking at:
Tuesday, January 1st - Hangover Run at Haspin
Sunday, February 3rd - Super Sunday FreezerBowl
Sat/Sun March 2/3 - Dirty Turtle Day Trip
Sat/Sun March 16-17 - Trail Work at Rich's Farm
Fri-Sun, April 5-7 - Badlands Offroad, Attica IN
Fri-Sun, May 3-5 - Rush Offroad
Fri-Mon, May 24-27 - Memorial Day Club Event at Black Mountain, Harlan KY
Sat-Sun, June 1-2 - Club Cookout at Rich's Farm
Thur-Sun, July 4-7 - Fourth of July Club Event and Cookout at Rush Offroad
Fri-Sun, August 2-4 - Bear Wallow, Ethel WV
Fri-Mon, Aug 30 - Sept 2 - Labor Day Club Event At Rush
Fri-Sun, October 4-6 - Fall Harlan
Fri-Sun, November 1-3 - CORE Tour 19
Saturday, December 7 - CORE Christmas Party
Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stranger
Last edited by WrenchMonkey; 01-10-2019 at 09:35 PM.