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Old 03-27-2019, 08:21 AM   #22
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Next step up was tires. I had been casually looking at tires and wanting a size bigger eventually when these popped up for sale for a good price. These are 30x10-14 Pro Armor Crawler XG's (same tires that Kevin has). They were 90% tread and picked them up for just over half of the retail price.

Didn't really hate my current tires which were 28x10-14 SuperATV Intimidators (which I had also bought used) as they worked really good in loose or muddy conditions, but weren't real great on the rocks or hard pack. They are also very heavy. While I'm going to a taller tire hopefully some, or all, of the power loss is offset by the decreased weight as the Crawlers are 6 lbs. per tire lighter.

Here are the tires next to each other both mounted with 15 psi. The Crawlers measured 2 1/4" taller.

Clearance wise I need to do some work to get them to fit. The previous 28's would rub slightly on the passenger side at full lock and flexed out. The new 30's rub at full lock sitting in the shop. Some more preload adjustment of the shocks and dropping the pressure down to the 10 psi range should help for now, but am planning on offset high clearance a-arms next.
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