We discussed this at the meeting, and kinda came up empty. I may have found something...
Assuming Hollerwood works out, and we're wanting to go back, we could back-to-back with Dirt Nasty Offroad in Morehead KY? This one looked kinda shady years ago, when they were just getting started. But now it seems pretty well established.
It's only 60 miles from Hollerwood, just over an hour drive time.
600 acres, gnarly enough that they host bouncer competitions.
$20/driver, $5 passenger on non-event weekends.
I don't see anything about facilities, but we could do Friday night, Saturday, and Saturday night all at Hollerwood, then run to Dirt Nasty Sunday morning, and we wouldn't really need much.
Overall, it would be 142 miles and 2:10 to Hollerwood.
60 miles and 1:10 to Dirty Nasty
108 miles and two hours to get home again.