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Old 12-15-2009, 08:24 AM   #1
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Toyota free 5th stud upgrade

Hell, I just stole the whole thread to add to the tech forum


knuckle stud kit

hardened and longer studs would be nice but,
can't seem to find them, so i did what some have allready been doing
not hard to do, just some time
hope this holds a while
been breaking studs and ripping the threads out
so i copied the DSI thread
the chunk of steel is 1"x1.5"
the bolt is 2"x1/2-20 grade 8
welded the bolt on the inside of the knuckle
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For you guys who can't drive, I have owned a frame rack for several years. Prices are based on your skill and ability to wreck it....

Last edited by fabricator; 12-15-2009 at 10:04 PM.
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Old 12-15-2009, 08:25 AM   #2
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i have hydro assist, and i keep the bolts tight
last time out i sheared 2 bolts and pulled the other 2 out
the 5th bolt has a 1/2-20 grade 8 nut with a lockwasher
no cone washer. the chunk of steel has been faced a little with a mill so the nut would sit flat on the chunk

================================================== ========

how did you keep the stud parallel to the other 4?

================================================== ========

I took the studs out
of the bottom, and clamped the knuckle
to the drill press table
then drilled.
was easy
For you guys who can't drive, I have owned a frame rack for several years. Prices are based on your skill and ability to wreck it....
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Old 12-16-2009, 12:52 PM   #3
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sweet. im glad i asked.thanx for reviving it on pbb, too. ill be doing this upgrade this week!
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Old 12-16-2009, 04:29 PM   #4
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Fifth stud

This modification is an absolute must! One other way of doing it is to use 1/4inch angle iron and grind/mill the top of the knuckle so the angle iron lays flat and square with either your highsteer arm or with your orignal steer arm when you weld it.Also,you'll see two "bumps" on the inside of the knuckle about where the bolt head will be located on the inside,make sure you drill the hole between these two"bumps" so the bolt head will seat between them.
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Old 12-19-2009, 02:09 PM   #5
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finished mine up last night.
a couple thoughts: i used 1/4 angle. clamped the bottom when drilling like suggested. so hole was parallel. but when arms on and torqed, and then fifth bolt torqed, the fifth is not parallel, but top of bolt is angled out. im sure torqing it down did this. unsure if it will be a problem. as far as tacking the bolt head, lets just say its not my best weld. did it with the knuckle and arm installed, very little room to fit a mig gun.

so is the fifth stud stronger because it keeps the arm pulled down and resistant to studs loosening, or the side to side leverage strength upgrade? or both? with my fifth torqed down, i get the impression its actually trying to pull up on the inside 2 studs. even tough the angle iron was flat on knuckle before welding. got arp's but still concerned......
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Old 12-19-2009, 06:43 PM   #6
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What happens when you have to replace trunion bearings and have to change out shems I know it still unbolts but if you use less shems then the other four won`t tighten down correctly if you use more shems then the welded on piece is being stressed?Just curious.I have been having the same problem with breakage .On my buggy I bought the 6 guns but haven`t got to run them yet.
Thanks Jeff
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Old 12-19-2009, 07:52 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by yellowjacket View Post
finished mine up last night.
a couple thoughts: i used 1/4 angle. clamped the bottom when drilling like suggested. so hole was parallel. but when arms on and torqed, and then fifth bolt torqed, the fifth is not parallel, but top of bolt is angled out. im sure torqing it down did this. unsure if it will be a problem. as far as tacking the bolt head, lets just say its not my best weld. did it with the knuckle and arm installed, very little room to fit a mig gun.

so is the fifth stud stronger because it keeps the arm pulled down and resistant to studs loosening, or the side to side leverage strength upgrade? or both? with my fifth torqed down, i get the impression its actually trying to pull up on the inside 2 studs. even tough the angle iron was flat on knuckle before welding. got arp's but still concerned......
I didn't use angle... the piece I used was 1" thick
Mine didn't move when tighting it
sounds like maybe it pulled the angle down to the housing when
you tightened it? you sure it was all the way down before welding?
i think its stronger with side to side leverage
all this info is based on fireside wisdom with beverage consumption......
at camp of course
For you guys who can't drive, I have owned a frame rack for several years. Prices are based on your skill and ability to wreck it....
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