Originally Posted by pfreer3
I call BS on the 1" M/C not working... I have the same setup as you.
what calipers are you using?
I have the 1" V6 M/C with 1985 monty carlo calipers, (sky brackets) and have awesome brakes.
I even still have the Prop valve (lever tied up) in-line.
Davez off-road parts are usually pull-off parts, not new I believe. Least not what he sent me.
My guess is you still have air in the lines, or your M/C is bad...
That is nice that you have the same set up as me. The master that I got from davez is new and not used. I have no air in the lines. I have bleed the **** out of the brakes and know I have no air in the line. The set up on your 4runner with the rear dics brakes and my 95 runner I have read that people with older trucks and 4runner dont have problem but people with new runners and truck have had this problem.