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Old 05-14-2018, 10:31 PM   #1
Mechanical Animal
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Beechmont
Posts: 1,883
May Meeting Minutes

In Attendance:
- Jim Busch
- Robert Hull
- Tom McNees
- Andy Morgan
- Kevin OBryon
- Pat Patton +1
- Jeff Ratliff
- Rich Santefort +1
- Jeff Smith +1
- Zach Smith +1
- Tim Taylor
- Mark Troxell
- Chris Vaske +1

And a quick visit from new guest Patrick McIntosh.

Treasury Report:
Yes, we have money. Specific Treasurer Reports in the Members forum here.

Trail Report:

- Rush Spring Trail Work, April 27-28th
Great weekend, great weather, and a huge turnout. I think it was five Jeeps, two Yotas, three SxSs, and at least six buggies.

A couple-few arrived early Friday, the vast majority of us Friday night. Jeff unveiled his new "Jeegy" rebody on his CJ7, then led a good size group right away on a night run that didn't wrap up til 2am.

Saturday morning we started at Rankin Ravine. We cleared out the entrance a bit, and then a new side trail in a tight v-notch running up the left side. We continued up the Ravine and cleared a new, easy exit to the left, just above the biggest rock ledge.

Work done for the day, we backtracked down to have another go at the new trail we'd cut (now dubbed "Don't Turn Around"). Lester, Mark and Ken each made it look easy. Pat, Kevin and Jeff all gave it hell but couldn't quite make it. And Jim and Tony each flopped hard just trying to get in. Jim's rig survived, Tony's was definitely worse for wear...

After lunch we headed to HardCORE, where Tom flopped his buggy. The group split up, then reunited, and headed out on a quick trip to Three Pole and RockGod.

After dinner, a quick evening ride almost turned tragic when Jeff Ratliff barrel-rolled his new-to-him TJ on one of the pipline hills. He pulled a full 360 - driver, roof, passenger, wheels - then drove it back to camp. It could have been MUCH worse.

By Sunday morning, almost everyone was either broken, tired, or already gone. So, we skipped our traditional Sunday Funday and just called it a wrap.

Pics here, and youtube video links here.

Upcoming Events:

- Southern Shine at Harlan, Memorial Day, May 24-28
Another annual favorite for the big dogs Sounds like most are heading out noonish on Thursday the 24th. Chime in here...

- CORE Members Moab Trip, May 31 - June 10th
At this point, if you're going, you already know it. And the rest of us wish you guys safe travels and good times! take lots of pics!

Official Business:

- Rush Pink Hook
This month's lucky Pink Hook recipient was our own Tony Vilardo, who "backed up the wrong way!" and flopped hard left in Rankin Ravine. The body damage was impressive: Not only was the driver's A pillar crushed flat, but the entire greenhouse was relocated about six inches off center. Thankfully, Tony emerged unharmed, and eventually drove away. Video here.

Other News and Happenings:

- New Meeting Location at Frickers
Another minor hiccup, as management confused us with another group meeting that night, so the room wasn't ready and the staff was shorthanded, but it all worked out in the end.

Next month, we'll call ahead to confirm and remind.
Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stranger

Last edited by WrenchMonkey; 05-15-2018 at 03:50 PM.
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