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JeffK5 03-09-2010 07:02 PM

Custom waterjet work $?$
Whose had it done and how much .. did you provide the drawing/dxf. file or material ?

I'm having some custom strut mounts made ... each part has roughly 15" of cut path, I provided the 2D Autocad print to the waterjet shop and they're doing the programing.

I was quoted $40 out the door for a qty. of 8 and they provide the A36 1/4" plate.. I thought that sounded damn cheap.. I wouldn't even start making these on a mill for that.

Any thoughts?

biggin69 03-09-2010 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by JeffK5 (Post 35848)
Whose had it done and how much .. did you provide the drawing/dxf. file or material ?

I'm having some custom strut mounts made ... each part has roughly 15" of cut path, I provided the 2D Autocad print to the waterjet shop and they're doing the programing.

I was quoted $40 out the door for a qty. of 8 and they provide the A36 1/4" plate.. I thought that sounded damn cheap.. I wouldn't even start making these on a mill for that.

Any thoughts?

Definatly sounds cheap. I talked to the owner of a local machine recently about making some tabs and such and he said no job was to small right now and all I needed to do was scetch them out on paper with a few measurements. I have yet to get a quote though.

94Dodge Truggy 03-09-2010 08:18 PM

cheap for sure. i was thinking 3 times that if i were quoting it.

KennyTJ 03-09-2010 08:19 PM

Just depends on how buisy the shop is. If they are hungry and need anything you can get stuff done real cheap, if they're buisy you can't get it at all!!!


android 03-09-2010 08:29 PM

damn cheap!
I am looking to have some custom work done... Maybe post the shop name & number? Then we all can take advantage ofd those smokin rates!:) :)

JeffK5 03-09-2010 09:01 PM

Once I get them back I'll post some pics .. I haven't seen there quality or accuraccy.

If I'm satisfied with the product I'll get the OK from them to put there shop # out.

RD TRCTR 03-10-2010 09:21 AM

For what you're having done and the price they quoted that is dirt floor cheap.

carwash 03-10-2010 07:41 PM

Pmd you, get back to me you fag...

cheapthrills49 03-11-2010 07:14 PM

depending on the size, the material might cost that. but on the other hand that might be cuttin your stuff outa some other customers scrap while they are burnin that program;)

JeffK5 03-11-2010 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by cheapthrills49 (Post 35943)
depending on the size, the material might cost that. but on the other hand that might be cuttin your stuff outa some other customers scrap while they are burnin that program;)

I guarantee they are doing exactly that....this is also a legit job with receipt and all.

The shop owner seemed very interested in small/easy/non-contract custom jobs like this.

JeffK5 03-26-2010 03:19 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here are my brackets...I was very pleased with fit and finish.

TomH 03-26-2010 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by JeffK5 (Post 35859)
Once I get them back I'll post some pics .. I haven't seen there quality or accuraccy.

If I'm satisfied with the product I'll get the OK from them to put there shop # out.

...and the verdict is?

JeffK5 03-26-2010 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by TomH (Post 36581)
...and the verdict is?

I ran into one problem..the owner isn't interested in having to convert a hand drawn print into CAM form.

I have a friend's son that works for the waterjet shop and will , for a small fee, convert your drawing/print into a dxf. file that can be directly loaded into the waterjet.

It will work like this ... contact my friends son and provide him with your drawing/print/ idea in your head... he then draws it into AutoCad and has it quoted ... you get a total cost.

He also wouldn't be responsible if your idea looks like **** once translated to steel..:cool:

carwash 03-26-2010 10:07 PM

can i provide my own dxf?

TomH 03-27-2010 01:28 AM

Like Carwash, I can generate DXFs. Not sure what's up with the secret agent stuff, but, it's a deal killer for me.


JeffK5 03-27-2010 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by TomH (Post 36593)
Like Carwash, I can generate DXFs. Not sure what's up with the secret agent stuff, but, it's a deal killer for me.


No secret agent .. just most people don't have the equipment/ability to generate a dxf. ...He wants the work he just doesn't want two dozen home fab guys knocking on his door with projects doodled on napkins. He's got plenty of work , I'm sure he'll survive without yours..;)

Mike , I don't know if he wants to keep it simple and only deal through my buddies son or if he will take dxf. files directly... I'll try to find out more info and post up.

502EFI 03-27-2010 03:43 PM

My two friends own Mainstream waterjet in loveland, off union cemetery rd. Google for their website.

They have quite a few waterjet machines and a hurco CNC mill. I dont know if they will work that cheap, they might.

TomH 03-27-2010 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by 502EFI (Post 36602)
My two friends own Mainstream waterjet in loveland, off union cemetery rd. Google for their website.

They have quite a few waterjet machines and a hurco CNC mill. I dont know if they will work that cheap, they might.

Being able to do a straight up deal is worth something. The cloak & dagger secret shop where you have to deal through an anonymous "buddies son" with no accountability sounds a bit squirrely.


carwash 03-27-2010 09:00 PM

How is it cloak and dagger? The guy works at the shop, and will convert your file for you for a small fee? Nothing anonymous, and where is there no accountability? Where did you get all this? How is this not a straight up deal, as you call it?

"son that works for the waterjet shop and will , for a small fee, convert your drawing/print into a dxf. file that can be directly loaded into the waterjet."

"contact my friends son and provide him with your drawing/print/ idea in your head... he then draws it into AutoCad and has it quoted ... you get a total cost."

Where is the difficulty here? Seems like it has been made easier for us. We have one contact, he makes a file if you need it, then gets you a total cost for the job. You get a receipt for a legit job done, no back door, no shady etc. Yes, very cloak and dagger indeed.

TomH 03-27-2010 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by carwash (Post 36607)
How is it cloak and dagger?

What's the issue with a customer or prospective customer sending a request for a quotation? I've worked with shops that quote from "machine ready" files or they charge a separate fee, but I haven't dealt with a "buddy's kid" before.

What is the issue with letting a prospective customer know the shop's name? (Cincy is essentially a "small town" and it's hard to hide your reputation.)

The reluctance to name names comes across as somebody doing work "on the side" (i.e. Using the company's equipment and materials) and selling it "out the back door." That may not be the case here, but...

You run a shop, is this how you do business?

carwash 03-27-2010 10:50 PM

I see no issue at all with sending a request for a quote. What do you care what person in the company you send it to?

I think the co. name is being withheld until Jeff knows if this guy wants to do a ton of small jobs for peeps...

I dunno... I don't run a waterjet or machine shop, etc, so i can't say how I would do it.

I'm just saying, doesn't seem very cloak and dagger or secretive to me. Doesn't really matter anyway.... no one is making anyone use them.

JeffK5 03-28-2010 09:51 AM

Mike ,thanks for "getting it"

RuffedUpXJ 03-28-2010 02:24 PM

Mike I could probably convert something to DXF if you need to. Depends on what you have it in now or if you have it on your computer yet.

Waffle 03-28-2010 05:05 PM

For those not wanting to deal with the buddy......if you have a scanner you can download free software that will convert your drawing directly to dxf. Google is your friend here......

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