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hotrod 12-14-2011 05:52 AM

yj axle codes
So I just bought a rig with yj axles under it and I'm not sure what gears it has. I've worn out Google trying to find axle codes but all I seem to be coming up with is lists of what axles came under what Jeeps, not the gear ratios. Even tho its not a hard job, I really don't want to pull a cover and count if I don't have to. Any body have any clue what codes mean what? I think I found that 46-15 is a 3.07 and 46-13 is a 3.54. But what about 3.73 and 4.10? ( I tried searching 46-11 46-09 etc no luck):o

67fastback 12-14-2011 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by hotrod (Post 58372)
So I just bought a rig with yj axles under it and I'm not sure what gears it has. I've worn out Google trying to find axle codes but all I seem to be coming up with is lists of what axles came under what Jeeps, not the gear ratios. Even tho its not a hard job, I really don't want to pull a cover and count if I don't have to. Any body have any clue what codes mean what? I think I found that 46-15 is a 3.07 and 46-13 is a 3.54. But what about 3.73 and 4.10? ( I tried searching 46-11 46-09 etc no luck):o

simple take the big number and divid by smaller number gives you the gear ratio..
46-11= 46/11= 4.18
46-09 = 46/9 = 5.11

carwash 12-14-2011 07:09 AM

Count and divide, or just turn the wheel and count number of times the pinion turns... that can get you close.

94Dodge Truggy 12-14-2011 07:58 AM

Is it a 4 or 6 cyl, auto or 5 speed?

hotrod 12-14-2011 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by 67fastback (Post 58373)
simple take the big number and divid by smaller number gives you the gear ratio..
46-11= 46/11= 4.18
46-09 = 46/9 = 5.11

who knew... i feel like an idiot for not connecting those dots haha


Originally Posted by carwash (Post 58375)
Count and divide, or just turn the wheel and count number of times the pinion turns... that can get you close.

true dat :beers:


Originally Posted by 94Dodge Truggy (Post 58376)
Is it a 4 or 6 cyl, auto or 5 speed?

i think the axles came out of a 6 cyl manual. i was told either 3.55 or 3.75 but most likely 3.73

biggest thing is the rear is locked so im looking to get an 8.8 from an exploder and get the correct gears off the bat with a limited slip insted of my current lincoln locker the pops, snaps and chirps my tires :mad:

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