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twiztedzuki 01-22-2012 01:08 PM

supercharged 3.8 in yota
3 Attachment(s)
few pics of install

93 Krawler 01-22-2012 03:15 PM

Me and stickman were talking about doing this to his Yota. That should be plenty of power. What are you mating it to?

twiztedzuki 01-22-2012 03:23 PM

th350 to 205. yeah i wanted more than 22re and wanted sumthing different than 4.3. hoping to get close 300hp after tune on pcm

Haddix505 01-22-2012 04:39 PM

U just running on toyota axles?

twiztedzuki 01-22-2012 05:03 PM

as of now, bobby longs. gonna go 60/14b when i find cheap set. hav a buddy with tbi 350 with longs and has minimal troubles with yotas, i just cant c sinking bunch money in yota axles though

humpy 01-22-2012 06:02 PM

Looks like it fits pretty good... U check that clocking ring out for 205 I was tellin u about?

twiztedzuki 01-22-2012 07:03 PM

not yet, mite throw my 203 under it to gain little on front driveshaft. it short as it is! who makes clocking ring? one on my buggy is wide open designs and was 300$ hate spend that on ol yota!

carwash 01-22-2012 08:30 PM

I just picked up a 3.8sc myself... putting a tf904 and Dana300 behind it on the new buggy... Fun motor, easily tuned up.

humpy 01-23-2012 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by twiztedzuki (Post 59936)
not yet, mite throw my 203 under it to gain little on front driveshaft. it short as it is! who makes clocking ring? one on my buggy is wide open designs and was 300$ hate spend that on ol yota!

D&D machine on pirate... $99 to your door... I'll see it I can find the link I had saved

humpy 01-23-2012 12:27 PM

here ya go derrick


twiztedzuki 01-23-2012 04:54 PM

thrasher charged and few others make alot of performance parts for it and give dyno numbers of different cams and tunes. i gonna keep it stock for little bit

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