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Old 07-09-2013, 07:21 PM   #1
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Well, schidt. Here we go again...


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Old 07-09-2013, 07:36 PM   #2
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give 20$ to a meth head to burn them out, problem solved
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Old 07-09-2013, 09:23 PM   #3
Danny Beach
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that is bull SH** let people have some fun
86 Ford Bronco
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Old 07-09-2013, 10:01 PM   #4
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Twisted we need a " like" button in here lmao
S10 with a few air shocks..
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Old 07-10-2013, 10:43 AM   #5
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One of these days Zuk 2.0
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Old 07-10-2013, 12:39 PM   #6
Just tired
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Can everyone get to the article to see details?

If not, here it is:



July 9th, 2013

Dear DirtyTurtle supporters and offroad riders everywhere. I came to learn of a proposed ordinance that is designed to shut down DTOR after operating for three years is being brought to a vote July 15th, at 5:30 pm EST at the Trimble County Courthouse in Bedford KY.

Since DTOR opened our neighbor across the street, Frankie and Donna Oneil(H:502.255.3637) have tried almost weekly to get dtor shut down. Before DTOR existed they tried to get Nickota Motorsports shutdown. The Oneils have told the judge that DTOR operates 7 days a week and that we allow folks to night ride daily and all through the weekends. Anytime an ATV is heard, it must be coming from DTOR…..These are the same neighbors that sold their land to start Saddleback MX club….right behind their house….but that noise doesn’t bother them….

We all know DTOR is open on Fri- Sun from 9am to 6pm in the winter and 9am to 8pm in the summer with three night rides a year.

The judge has visited DTOR once…..when it was closed and one other magistrate with him. No one has ever been to DTOR when it hosted a TV event, a normal weekend, or anytime during operating hours to see what DTOR truly is trying to do for the offroading community and the local economy.

Trimble County doesn’t have any zoning yet they changed the tax rate from farm to commercial….which we gladly pay….and pay on time.

Below is the ordinance they are going to try and pass Monday. No notice was given to me, or DTOR….we found out from someone who works at the courthouse that the judge is working to shut dtor down.

DTOR has created a lot of memories for a lot of people. I have poured my heart, soul, and my entire life savings into making DTOR a place for all to enjoy.

If you love DTOR as much as I do, please take a moment and call the each of the numbers below and share with them what DTOR means to you and your families. If this passes, DTOR CLOSES.

Judge Jerry Powell: 502.255.7196-Office.

David Scott Magistrate: 502.255.3247

Nolan Hamilton Magistrate: 502.268.5662

Kirby Melvin Magistrate: 502.255.7968

Stephen Stark: 502.255.7621




WHEREAS, The Trimble County Fiscal Court has previously determined that there is a need in Trimble County for local laws to protect all citizens and property owners from the perpetuation of nuisances by any persons, businesses, corporations or other legal entities, and

WHEREAS, the Trimble County Fiscal Court has previously enacted ordinances to protect all citizens and property owners against the perpetuation of nuisances that affect the peaceful enjoyment of property and adversely affect or may adversely affect the values of property within Trimble County, and

WHEREAS, the Trimble County Fiscal Court now recognizes that there are additional sources and causes of nuisances that affect the ability of citizens and property owners to enjoy the peaceful occupation of their property and which adversely affect or may adversely affect the values of property within Trimble County, and

WHEREAS, the Trimble County Fiscal Court is aware that there are various entertainment and recreational activities in Trimble County that are conducted in such a manner as to violate the definition of "nuisance" as set out above,


1.) Definitions: As used in this Ordinance, unless the context clearly requires a different definition, the following definitions shall apply: a.) Nuisance - Anything that endangers life or health, give offense to the senses,

violates the laws of decency or obstructs the reasonable and comfortable use or

enjoyment of property, including the unreasonable, unwarrantable, or unlawful

use by a person of his own real or personal property. b.) Recreation Activity - Any activity that is done for relaxation and enjoyment and

shall include activities whether done for fun or profit and whether done with or

without charge for said activity.

c.) Entertainment Activity - Any activity that is done for the purposes of pleasing, amusing or diverting oneself or others and shall include activities whether done for fun or profit and whether done with or without charge for said activity. d.) Amusement Activity - Any activity that is done for the general purpose of causing amusement for oneself or others and to include, but not be limited to amusement parks and shall include activities done for fun or profit and whether done with or without charge for said activity.

e.) Motor vehicle - Shall mean a vehicle of any type or nature whatsoever that has a motor and is self propelled, whether consisting of a two-wheeled, three-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicle or a vehicle with more than four wheels. This definition shall include any such vehicle with a motor and which is self propelled whether the vehicle is legal to be driven on streets, roads and highways in the Commonwealth of Kentucky or not and shall include customized vehicles that are intended only for off road use and were never intended to be driven on streets, roads and highways.

2.) In order to protect the rights of all citizens and property owners of Trimble County to the peaceful enjoyment of their property and in order to provide in the best way possible for the preservation of property values, guidelines and hours of operation for entertainment, recreation and amusement activities and pursuits that violate the definition of "nuisance" set out herein are hereby established as follows:

a.) No entertainment or recreation activity that creates noise that can be heard at a distance of two hundred and fifty (250) feet or more from any boundary of the property containing the entertainment or recreation activity shall begin activity before 8:00 a.m. and shall stop all such activity no later than 9:00 p.m.

b.) No entertainment or recreation activity that creates uses lights that carry for a distance of two hundred and fifty (250) feet or more from any boundary of the property containing the entertainment or recreation activity shall begin activity before 8:00 a.m. and shall stop all such activity no later than 9:00 p.m.

c.) No entertainment or recreation activity that creates dust shall allow that dust to escape the boundary of the property containing the entertainment or recreation activity and shall install all necessary equipment to wash dust off vehicles exiting the property so that the dust is not carried from the property onto adjoining roadways or adjoining properties, d.) No entertainment or recreation activity that creates mud which can be carried from the property by vehicles exiting the property shall permit vehicles to leave the property carrying the mud in such a way that the mud is deposited on adjoining roadways and shall install all necessary equipment to wash mud off vehicles exiting the property so that mud is not carried from the property onto adjoining roadways, e.) Any entertainment or recreation activity that includes within the activities provided the use of motor vehicles, as defined herein, by private persons in the entertainment, recreational or amusement activity, shall required that all such motor vehicles must be brought onto the premises on a trailer and must be taken from the premises on a trailer. No such motor vehicle may be driven onto or driven from the premises where the activity is to take place. This shall include, but not be limited to, such activities as four wheeling; mud runs; moto-cross; cross country racing and any and all other such activities in which motor vehicles are so involved.

3.) The owner and operator of the business conducting the recreation, entertainment or amusement activity shall be jointly responsible for making certain that the premises where the activities are being conducted are kept completely free of alcohol and illegal drugs. If illegal drugs or alcohol are found on the premises where an activity is being conducted, that shall be considered a violation of this ordinance. 4.) For violations of the provisions of this Ordinance, the owner and/or operator of the facility shall be cited by law enforcement and/or local ordinance enforcement officials. The citation shall provide that the fine may be paid or the violator may appear in Trimble District Court to answer to the violation. Penalties for violations of this Ordinance shall be as follows:

a.) For a first violation within five years - $ 500.00 fine plus court costs.

b.) For a second violation within five years - $1000.00 fine plus court costs, c.) For a third violation within five years - $2,000.00 fine plus court costs, d.) For a fourth violation within five years - $4,000.00 fine and a petition will be sought with the Trimble District Court for an order of injunction and specific relief to close all activities on the subject property, e.) If more than one property is owned or leased by the same person, persons, corporation, LLC, or other legal entity, involving the same or similar activities resulting in violation of this ordinance, a violation on any property owned in common shall be considered as a subsequent violation for purposes of enhanced penalties.

5.) Severability - If any section or part of a section of this Ordinance is found to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, such part shall be deemed severable and the invalidity of that section or part of a section shall not affect the remaining parts of this Ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect unless amended or revoked by subsequent ordinance.

6.) Effective Date - This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon the passage by motion and second after two readings at meetings of the Trimble Fiscal Court and publication as required by the Kentucky Revised Statutes.

The first reading of this Ordinance was made at a meeting of the Trimble County Fiscal Court on_________________________ .

The second reading of this Ordinance was made at a meeting of the Trimble County

Fiscal Court on_______________________ and upon motion and second the

same was called for a vote and approved by a majority vote of the Trimble County Fiscal Court.

Approved as to form and content by Trimble County Attorney:

Perry R. Arnold, Trimble County Attorney

After second reading on_________________ the foregoing Ordinance was

approved to be published and on the same occasion was signed in open Court by the County Judge/Executive, Honorable Jerry Powell as evidence of his approval, attested under the seal of the Trimble County Fiscal Court Clerk.

Jerry Powell, Trimble County Judge/Executive


Susan Barnes, Trimble County Fiscal Court Clerk

I want to be the reason you look down at your phone and smile........then walk into a pole.
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Old 07-10-2013, 02:45 PM   #7
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Thanks again, Lisa...

I still don't get this:

2e.) ...all such motor vehicles must be brought onto the premises on a trailer and must be taken from the premises on a trailer. No such motor vehicle may be driven onto or driven from the premises where the activity is to take place. This shall include, but not be limited to, such activities as four wheeling; mud runs; moto-cross; cross country racing and any and all other such activities in which motor vehicles are so involved
I just don't understand how any county can pass a regulation banning my legal, licensed, and insured vehicle from their road.

The whole thing just reeks.

Unfortunately, I really doubt that 1,000 pissed off wheelers calling to complain is really going to change anybody's mind. Those local politicans don't care a whit what we think, they don't answer to us.

I just hope Joe has some recourse if/when they do shut him down, to recover the investment he made in good faith...

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Old 07-10-2013, 03:16 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by tjjeepjeep View Post
5.) Severability - If any section or part of a section of this Ordinance is found to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, such part shall be deemed severable and the invalidity of that section or part of a section shall not affect the remaining parts of this Ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect unless amended or revoked by subsequent ordinance.
That seems like a good piece of ground to challenge the proposed policy against state licensed vehicle, among most of the other jibberish in the ordinance.

So is July 15th the 1st or 2nd reading of this ordinance? Who all gets to vote?
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Old 07-11-2013, 04:38 AM   #9
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I would guess it would be like a construction site, road trucks tracking mud or too much dust and they will shut the job down. Dust and mud on the road is a safety hazard, just the way THEY look at it.

Does he have a pond close they he could make a truck was like the land fills and gravel pits use. That or trailers sound like the only options for him. Maybe an old street sweeper, but nothing will please a pissed off neighbor.
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Old 07-12-2013, 06:53 PM   #10
xj joey
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Lets go stand outside the neighbors house with a "shame on you" sign like the union does at job sites.
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Old 07-13-2013, 08:22 AM   #11
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Any entertainment or recreation activity............ Isn't deer hunting a recreation activity? So that means anyone deer hunting in Trimble county, land owner or someone paying good money to lease deer hunting land, now has to wait till 8:00AM to shoot a deer, right? New laws says any activity that can be heard from 250 feet from property boundary lines. I know my rifle, shotguns, and pistols can be heard from farther than that. Lol anyone hunting in Trimble county will get a $500 dollar fine for shooting a big buck that walks out anytime before 8 am, that'll piss some people off.
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Old 07-13-2013, 10:24 AM   #12
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Its all ridiculous. I am sure DTOR could fight if if they had the time and lots of $$$$$$.
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